

On and after September 11, 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deployed close to a hundred search dogs along with their handlers—from a network of 26 active task forces from 18 different states—to both the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. In the aftermath of the attacks the dogs searched day and night for survivors, making sure no one would be stranded in the rubble, while rescue workers and firemen slowly made their way through the chaos and debris.

Exhibition Work Horse at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tokyo

Tomic Koyama Gallery presents the films Work Horse (2015) and Nanae ( 2016) together with 21 unique and original 4×5″ Instant film photographs portraying logging horses. Opening Reception Tuesday, October 9, 5-7 pm October 9 – October 13, 2018 11am-7pm TOMIO KOYAMA GALLERY Complex 665 2F, 6-5-24 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, …

The Horse in the Gourd

In Japanese there is a saying hyōtan kara koma, ‘a horse appearing from a gourd’. It is used when something completely unexpected, even unbelievable, happens. It refers to the legend of Chokara sennin, an immortal being who owns a horse that when necessary, he can conjure up as if by …

Shio 潮 19.49 min 2018

Shio, the Japanese word for ‘tide’ is very important for people living on the islands in South Western Japan. It refers not only to high and low tides but also to the currents running between the islands that decide the favorability of sea travel between them. If the shio is …

Stay 916 Press

Stay, 120 pages € 35,- With texts ( English/Japanese) by Eric Himmel, editor in chief Abrams Books NYC and Stacey James Clarkson art director Harper’s Magazine NYC. You can order the book here or contact 916press In November 2014 I visited Nagano, on the Japanese island of Honshu, where the …

Reverie 2016

In 2005, Charlotte Dumas travelled to Norway and Sweden, New York and Colorado to create portraits of the majestic canines in her series Reverie. Despite her close proximity to the wolves in her photographs, Dumas reveals the vast distance between the world of humans and wolves as her photographs portray the …